Sunday, February 1, 2009

Crash and Burn...

It's February 1st. Time to evaluate the first month of the year... and it was BUSY!! I've finally come back out of my hidey-hole and started seeing my friends again, going to the gym, paying attention to the world around me... and I'm tired.

I have spent the entire weekend doing practically nothing, and it's been wonderful. Yesterday was the first day since Dec 20th that I chose not to leave the house at all, blew off all obligations, and napped. It's 3 pm on Sunday, and there's a pretty good chance that today will be more of the same. The dog is giving me that look, you know the one "Come on mommy, the couch is comfy, there's plenty of food in the freezer, you know you want to..."

And it's everything that I hoped it would be. Sheer heaven. Tomorrow I'll go back to burning the candle at both ends, but for today, I'm going to just be. Who says I haven't learned anything from my yoga and meditation class????

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