Saturday, February 7, 2009

Weekend Plans

I'm so excited about tonight, it's ridiculous. Wine, snacks, girlfriends, and Rock Band!! I'm starting to come down with a cold, but there's no way it's stopping me from tonight. We're rocking out - in our jammies.

I've been thinking... I'm bringing my camera, it's time to start documenting the goofiness. I've spent most of my life avoiding being in pictures, I'm always too self conscious. I think this is the year I'm going to try to change it. It's just a picture. I want to be able to look back on the pictures and laugh at all the good times. So what if I'm too chunky? Who cares if I'm in my best Starfleet Academy sweat pants with no make up on? That's me. So be it. It's time to stop constantly worrying about what other people think, and just enjoy my life.

I'm off to go enjoy myself and live a little!

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