Friday, January 16, 2009


Today was one of those days when I realized how truly blessed I am. I was driving home after dinner with friends, and I actually had one of those rare moments when I thought to my self "Right this moment, this particular second, there is nothing I would change about my life".

And it's mostly because of my friends. I have no idea what I would do without you guys. I communicated with no less than 10 close friends today, and every single one lifted me up in one way or another. How fucking lucky am I that there are that many people that I love, and that love me back?

I'm still not sure if I believe in God/Creator/Buddha. I thought I gave up on that a few years ago. But days like today make me think that there are people who come in to your life at a particular moment, for a specific reason. And I'm grateful.

Or it could be that I've been on a diet for 2 weeks, forgot to eat today, had 4 beers and then went to Red Robin. Maybe a greater force in the universe just brings the right restaurant in to your life at the right time. Maybe God is a woman with wicked PMS. I could get behind that as a basis for a religion.

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