Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Holy Follies!!!

I couldn't wait until I get home to share... I have NINE little follicles ready to go! They said I needed at least 4 that measured over 1.0cm to continue on to retrieval... and I've got 4 that are almost at 1.5, another 4 are over 1.0, and 1 little guy that's at .96

It looks like I'm responding very well to the meds and egg retrieval may take place this weekend.

I'm scared to even say it...but I'm feeling really good about the whole thing.


The Captain's Wife said...

I cannot even tell you how exciting this is!! I mean, I know it is exciting for you too, but OMG!!!!

Have you given any thought to the max number you will have implanted?

Chele76 said...

SUPERB!!!!! Keep up the positive thinking. What great news!!!