Monday, November 9, 2009

Some days you're the seagull, Some days you're the quahog

Today is one of the "quahog" days - when something lifts you up in the air, you're feeling great, only to be smashed against the rocks and left to the carrion eaters.

Mom was supposed to be visiting a friend for a few days this week. I was going to have peace and quiet for 3 days. I made my arrangements for work - Thursday and Friday, half days from home. I'd be done with work by 10-10:30 in the morning, and have the days free to spend at my leisure (sleep, read, play computer games, ignore housework, go out to lunch...)

Nope, not happening. She messed up the weeks - it's not until next week. When I have a major migration of code at work and expect to be working obnoxious hours. I'll be lucky if I'm home by 7 or 8 most nights next week.

Ugh! I'm feeling the need for margaritas and rock band soon - who's with me???


The Captain's Wife said...

drinks, rock band, and a spare room at my house makes for a fun night out!

Rosehawk72 said...

I'm in! And you are more then welcome to come "rough it" with us at my house!!!