Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mixed Tapes

Most of the people who may actually peek in on this blog know that I love mixed tapes. Hell, most of you have received a mixed tape from me (I know, I know, they're cd's now - but they harken back to the angst of my teen years, and will forever be mixed tapes, regardless of the format). So this post from RoseHawk made me think about a new mix.

I've been thinking for a bit about a mix that reminds me of Dad, but it's just a little too soon. So I'm going back a little further. Back to when we lived in the tiny apartment above my grandparent's. Back to the 70's. Back when there was very little drama or grief in my life. We were poor, but I was a kid and didn't notice, everyone I knew was poor. Gas shortages meant a nap in the car and singing with the radio while we waited in line. There was always music playing. Saturdays were devoted to house cleaning while dancing around and singing (a habit I still have today, while the dog barks ferociously at me - he has no concept of how good my voice sounds in my head).

Anyone want to help? I usually have a bit more of a theme when I make my mixed tapes - so if you're a child of the 70's do you have any songs that you still can't resist singing along with if you happen to catch it on the radio?

Feel free to make the comments anonymous if you can't face the shame of knowing all the lyrics... there's more than one on this list that makes me cringe posting for all the world to see

Pina Colada Song - Rupert Holmes
Copacabana - Barry Manilow
Love Will Keep Us Together - The Captain and Tenille
Rock the Boat - The Hues Corporation
Bennie and the Jets - Elton John
You're No Good - Linda Ronstadt
Here You Come Again - Dolly Parton
I'm A Little Bit Country, I'm a Little Bit Rock n Roll - Donny and Marie
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard - Paul Simon


Rosehawk72 said...


Ok just looked at iTunes, I have:

Joy to the World - Three Dog Night
Brandy (You're a Fine Girl) - Looking Glass
Brown Eyed Girl- Van Morrison
American Woman - The Guess Who
Hotel California - Eagles

Just to name a few LOL

Cheysu said...

Come Sail Away - Styx
Dust in the Wind - Kansas (and, dude, HELLO.... Carry Wayward... ringin' a bell?)
Paint it Black - Stones
Wheel in the Sky - Journey
Behind Blue Eyes - Who

Cheysu said...

Did I mention that Evie loves classic 70's rock and mindless modern pop/grunge? She rocks out to Avril L. and Kansas, but seems to draw the line at D. Mode

?? Sigh.