Saturday, June 21, 2008


I'm a list person. So are most of my friends, Exhibit A: First comment on my blog, listed 1-3, gotta love the logical mind! I have random lists all over my house and at work. Grocery lists, to-do lists, home improvement lists, self-improvement lists, some are random things to remember. Occasionally I find lists that are months old floating around that have completely lost their context. My favorite was a few years old on my desk at work:

3)Ruthless Efficiency
4)An almost fanatical devotion to the Pope

Today's list is a little less ambitious:

1)Write blog
2)Vacuum!!! (They can no longer be called dust bunnies. They're woolly mammoths)
3)Visit Gram at the nursing home
4)Lunch with Mom and Auntie to talk about Gram's health care. Remain calm, mediate, do not get emotional.
5)Weed the front walkway
7)Log in to work and finish estimates
8)Find a new recipe or two and plan out dinners for the week

Item 4 may actually require fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency...

1 comment:

Cheysu said...

The thing I love most about you is:
A. no, wait
One of the things I love most about you is:
A. no, no, wait
Chief amongst the things that I love most about is:
A. The day we pissed ourselves at work while listening to Monty Python with headphones.