Friday, June 20, 2008

Just for Cheysu...

Ta-da! The creation of a blog. Unfortunately, I have not written a single item that I've been proud to put my name in approximately 10 years. Worse still...I highly suspect that the journals/stories/articles I wrote then were quite bad. I was young, and full of angst that all seemed so very important, but now feels extremely mundane. When, I ask, WHEN did I grow up, lose my flair for the dramatic, and become such a boring person?

Oh well, I guess I'll give it a try. 30 days of blogging to see if I can find my voice again. It's got to be easier than Sudoku, right? Right?


Cheysu said...

Firstly, you didn't lose your flair for the dramatic. Now you just insert long pauses for effect instead of screaming. :)
Secondly, I totally appreciate the effort.
Thirdly, if you write a mundane post, is it just because you have a headache?

Rosehawk72 said...

So, are we all going to keep in touch over blogs now instead of coffee? How 21st century of us ;) i think we need coffee too! Miss you!!