Friday, September 19, 2008

Kitty Hobo!

Yes, it's true. The Kitty Hobo has returned! I came home from work, put down my laptop bag in the rec room, and caught sight of something orange out of the corner of my eye. NOT inside my house. This is not one of my orange tabbies. This is the same guy that tried to break in to the house 2 nights ago. The pic is taken from inside my house, looking out the rec room slider. I can't help but wonder... is he casing the joint and just trying to look casual? And is it true that criminals always return to the scene of the crime?


Rosehawk72 said...

hmmm wonder if he's been buttering you up all this time with the offerings? And it DOES match the color scheme...

moosh said...

I was thinking the same thing! And then I thought S might string me up by my toes if I adopt *another* one :)

The Captain's Wife said...

Maybe he sees your fat cats and really wants to be you said..there may be a sign somewhere that says "Good food, fat cats here!"